Pulse Development Kit
The Pulse Sensor Development Kit provides a simple, non-invasive means for capturing pulse pressure waveforms and eliminates the need for cumbersome equipment such as cuffs and chest straps. This sensor captures high-fidelity pulse and waveform data allowing for the analysis of sophisticated cardiovascular data. This sensor is designed for use in the next generation of smart apparel and accessories, fitness and health monitoring equipment, and ambulatory medical monitoring.
Key Features
A non-invasive system for capturing high-fidelity pulse waveform and blood pressure without precisely positioning the sensor
Highly-sensitive with acquisition rates higher than 100 Hz, fast enough for pulse capture.
First Multi-Element sensor used for health monitoring. No need for precise positioning.
Advanced algorithms identify and extract the strongest pulse waveform from available sensing elements.
SPI or I2C serial digital sensor output ideal for OEM integration.
Develop custom algorithms with open API development capabilities
Sensitive enough to capture pulse waveform data, allowing for calculation of blood pressure and advanced cardiovascular metrics
Chameleon Software provides intuitive, easy to use, high-quality visualization and easy access to data for analysis and export to other applications
Smart apparel and accessories, fitness and health monitoring equipment, and ambulatory medical monitoring.